2023. The (Un)made City: Spatial Fragmentation, Social Inequalities and (De)compositions of Urban Life, in: Carrión, F. and Cepeda, P. (Eds.) Urbicide: The Death of the City. Springer, pp. 359-376.
2021. Protective Arrangements across Class: Understanding Social Segregation in La Plata, Argentina, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 45(6): 1064-1072.
2021. Las ciudades y las teorías. Estudios sociales urbanos. San Martín: UNSAM Edita (book).
2020. In search of conviviality in Latin American cities. An essay from urban anthropology, in: Scarato, L., Baldraia, F. and Manzi, M. (Eds.). Convivial Constellations in Latin American. From Colonial to Contemporary Times. New York, Routledge, pp. 54-68.
2018. Ways of Dwelling: Location, Daily Mobility and Segregated Circuits in the Urban Experience of the Modern Landscape of La Plata, in: Freire-Medeiros, B. and O’Donnell, J. (Eds.). Urban Latin America: Images, Words, Flows and the Built Environment. New York, Routledge, pp. 156-172.
2018. The urban space and the (re)production of social inequalities: decoupling income distribution and patterns of urbanization in Latin American cities”, in: Jelin, E., Campos Motta, R., and Costa, Sergio (Eds.) Global Entangled Inequalities. Conceptual Debates and Evidence from Latin America. New York, Routledge, pp. 59-75.
2017. The Uses of Informality: Urban Development and Social Distinction in México City, Latin American Perspectives, 44(214): 158-175 (co-authored with Frank Müller).
2016. Space, Urban Borders and Political Imagination in Buenos Aires, Latin American & Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 11 (1): 25-45 (co-authored with Alejandro Grimson).
2015. Vivir afuera. Antropología de la experiencia urbana. San Martín: UNSAM Edita (book)