3 Fragen
Wir befragen Forscher*innen, die das GSSC besuchen, zu Themen des globalen Südens und zu ihrer aktuellen Forschung.
Godfrey Tangwa
Prof. Tangwa shares his insights about an African perspective on some contemporary bioethical problems.
Bibi Bakare-Yusuf
We talked to Bibi Bakare-Yusuf, the co-founder and publishing director of Cassava Republic Press about the status of African literature. In this interview, she shares her insights on what it takes to shift our perceptions of African literature.
Important Book Tips by Bibi Bakare-Yusuf
During her stay at the GSSC on April 3rd 2019 we conducted an interview to gather book recommendations from the co-founder and publishing director of Cassava Republic Press: Bibi Bakare-Yusuf. The publishing house is dedicated to transforming perceptions of African literature within and outside of Africa.
George Paul Meiu
In this video George Paul Mein (Harvard University) talks about his book 'Ethno-Erotic Economies'. He shares his findings on sexuality, money and belonging in Northern Kenya.
Interview with Ton Dietz (University of Leiden) on occasion of his visit to the Global South Studies Center and Collaborative Research Center TRR 228 'Future Rural Africa', May 2018
Interview with Timothy LeCain (Montana State University, USA) concerning his workshop and Public Lecture talk at the Global South Studies Center, May 2018
In this video Helen Verran (Charles Darwin University) shares insights about possible definitions of the Global South and urges scholars to be aware of the consequences that their knowledge production can have in different global realities.