TA4: South-South Relations
In the thematic area South-South Relations: Engaging with new Constellations and Dynamics in the Global Souths we would like to engage with South-South relations from an historical, sociological, political, cultural, geographical, curatorial and artistic perspective. We are interested in ideas, images and imaginations, and also utopias of what other world orders and political alliances seem possible in the processes of decolonization.
One point of departure is the 1955 Bandung Conference of Asian and African states and the resulting non-aligned movement, which also includes countries in Latin America or Oceania. After gaining independence from colonial rule and building up nation-states, for a brief moment an alternative world order with countries of the Global South forming a political alliance was imagined. We would like to get in dialogue with the afterlife of these imaginations and political ideas through Southern art works, urban strategies, organized networks, exhibitions and cultural productions, and discuss their political and socioeconomic implications in dialogue with partners from the respective countries and contexts for understanding contemporary South-South relations and their future perspectives.
While the growing economic power of some parts of the Global Souths and the relevance of South- South economic relations is gaining a lot of attention, we would like to encourage transdisciplinary research on artistic, political and social collaborations among Southern countries, cities, and actors. Theoretically, we draw on a wide range of Southern and postcolonial theories. Empirically, we would like to study among others organized networks and collaborations in the cultural field, infrastructural projects, urban and rural environments, digital cultures, art projects and exhibition spaces in the Global North and South to comprehend of the multiple South-South entanglements, alliances and cooperations. Here we draw on Dilip Menon’s notion of the Global South as a knowledge project. As Menon (2018: 37) notes, “we have to reimagine the Global South as a knowledge project which aims to bring into our intellectual discourse on the world concepts drawn from the world and not only from Euro-America.”
Past Activities:
- 27 September 2024: Current challenges and opportunities of researching (within) South-South relations (Prof. Dr. Catherina Wilson, Radboud University, and Prof. Dr. Joanna Boampong, University of Ghana)
- Summer Semester 2024: How Does Black Life Matter to How We Understand Urban Life, Lecture by AbdouMaliq Simone (Univ. of Sheffield)
- 14 May 2024: Workshop: Cuba and Africa: Transatlantic Revolutionary Networks
- 1 - 2 February 2024: Workshop "Brazil within South-South Relations"
- 10. January 2023, 2-6 pm: Workshop “South-South relations: engaging with new constellations and dynamics in the Global Souths”, speakers Massimiliano Mollona (Fellow at Erich-Auerbach- Institute), Mi You (Kassel University), Luis Amoros (fellow at the GSSC)
- 17. November 2023: “Decentring the Museum for a Postmigrant Society”, Conference at UoC, organized by Nina Möntmann in collaboration with Sabine Dahl Nielsen (University of Copenhagen)
- 23. May 2023, constituting workshop “South-South”: discussion of common research themes 14.-18. June 2023 “Langer Tag”, Exhibition and Talks by Naeem Mohaiemen
- 15. June 2023 Filmscreening: Naeem Mohaiemen “Two Meetings and a Funeral”, Kölnischer Kunstverein
- 15./16. June. Popular Images Beyond the West organized by Sandra Kurfürst, Stephan Packard and Lena Henningsen
- 16. June 2023 “Solidarity Must Be Defended“ paneldiscussion with Eszter Szakács and Naeem Maohaiemen, moderated by Nina Möntmann, Temporary Gallery
- 16.9.-30. September 2023 Summer School "Urbanism, Space and People" organized by Sandra Kurfürst and Eva Fuhrmann
- WiSe 23/24 Seminar „Eine andere Moderne? Kunst, Theorie und Netzwerke im Globalen Süden“, Nina Möntmann
- Möntmann, Nina (2023): ” Decentring the Museum. Contemporary Art Institutions and Colonial Legacies”, London (Lund Humphries).
- Kurfürst, Sandra (2022): “Women are stronger than men”. Breaking Norms through Hip Hop in Vietnam”, Music and Arts in Action 8(1), pp. 69-84. Open Access
- Kurfürst, Sandra (2022): “Vietnamese Hip Hop Don't Stop. Unsettling Normative Ideas of Gender around the Block” in: Viderman, T., Knierbein, S., Kränzle, E., Frank, S., Roskamm, N., & Wall, E. (eds) Unsettled Urban Space: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations. Routledge, pp. 26-39.
- Möntmann, Nina, Akram Zaatari (2022). “On Borders and Belonging”, in: Foam, no. 62, M/Otherlands. The transnational Issue, pp. 14 -21.