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Wissing, K. 2018 "Assistance and Resistance of (Hydro-)Power: Contested Relationships of Control over the Volta River, Ghana." Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, Special Issue. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263774X18807482
Apoh, W., Wissing, K., Treasure, W. and J. Fardin 2017, "Law, Land and What Lies Beneath: Exploring Mining Impacts on Customary Law and Cultural Heritage Protection in Ghana and Western Australia." African Identities, Vol.15(4), pp.367-386. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14725843.2017.1319752
Treasure, W., Fardin, J., Apoh, W. and K. Wissing 2016, “From Mabo to Obuasi: Heritage and Customary Law in Ghana and Western Australia.” Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, Vol. 34(2), pp.191-211. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02646811.2016.1133986
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