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09 January  2025


The workshop will focus on the cultural dimensions of infrastructural change in peri-urban areas, thereby facilitating a closer conversation between infrastructure studies and environmental humanities in order to develop the novel concept of 'InfraCultures'. Culture has largely remained a ‘black box’ in infrastructure studies that have paid attention predominantly to political and economic aspects. The workshop aims to explore, on the one hand, how narratives of progress, urbanity and modernity are leveraged and negotiated as for boosting and opposing new infrastructure projects; and it will discuss, on the other hand, how new infrastructures participate in shifts in cultural practices and aspirations. 


Seminarraum 3.03
Global South Studies Center (GSSC)
Classen-Kappelmann-Straße 24
50931 Köln

Organised by: Franz Krause & Alexander Follmann/ Thematic Area: Infrastructures