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Inclusion and Symmetrical Participation in Knowledge Production

The workshop, "lnclusion and Symmetrical Participation in Knowledge Production," will lay the groundwork for establishing an orientation and priorities for the GSSC thematic group "Co-producing Knowledge". The objective is to initiate dialogue and foster conversation on perspectives and practices that promote inclusion and symmetry among all actors involved in research processes, including but not restricted to researchers, co-researchers, collaborators, and other research participants (including non-human actors) that are part of the co-production of knowledge. Additionally, this workshop will serve to identify specific topics, sites, and ideas on which to focus in the future, as well as relevant analytic frameworks to guide our conversations. 
The discussions at the workshop will focus on key questions, such as how to integrate and enhance inclusive methodological and conceptual frameworks in our research, from design to publication, address practical and epistemological concerns important to research subjects, and find ways to strengthen an inter- and transdisciplinary approach to joint knowledge production. 

The discussions shall take place in formats that maximise the exchange of ideas among participants and include the "fishbowl'" format for the opening conversation and the "Pecha Kucha" style for the presentations. 

The workshop is organised by the Co-Producing Knowledge (Thematic Group) of the GSSC, Cologne. 


Click here for the full abstract.


Invited Guest Speakers

Deepra Dandekar is a historian at the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin, and co-editor of the volume "Global South Scholars in the Western Academy: Harnessing Unique Experiences, Knowledges, and Positionality in the Third Space." 

Kebir Ammi is a novelist of African antiquity, and author of “Sur les pas de Saint Augustin.”

Ines Bugert is Prof. in romance language at the University of Mannheim, and author of “Qu'est-ce qu'un auteur maghrébin?: Globale Autorschaft bei Kebir Ammi, Yasmina Khadra und Assia Djebar.”

Moritz Kuhn is a postdoc researcher at the Institute of Classical Studies, University of Cologne, and author of “Philologischer Kommentar zur Vita Augustini des Possidius von Calama.”



If you wish to participate in the workshop, please register via e-mail to co-producingknowledge@uni-koeln.de by 22 April 2024.



24 April 2024 

  • 14:00 Introduction
  • 14:30-16:00 Opening Conversation: Deepra Dandekar, Kebir Ammi, and Jonathan Ngeh (fishbowl discussion) - Moderator: Simone Pfeifer
  • 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break 
  • 16:30-18:00 Augustinus Project talk: Kebir Ammi, Anja Bettenworth, Ines Bugert - Moderator: Jonathan Ngeh 
  • 18:30 Dinner 

25 April 2024

  • 10:00-12:00 Pecha Kucha Presentations: 

  1.  Research permits, publication screenings, and scales of social relations: short reflections on research with two communities in the Canadian Arctic (Franz Krause, University of Cologne)
  2. Collaborative walking in contested settings (Mario Krämer, University of Cologne)
  3. Anthropology is Teamwork: Reflections about Fieldwork, Assistance and Partnership in a Collaborative Research Setting (Hauke-Peter Vehrs (presenter), Richard Kiaka, Charles Lorot, Francis Nkadayo Miroi, Beatrice Lantai Taiko)
  4. Navigating Shifting Membership in a Digital Team Ethnography (Cihan El Mentawi, Simone Pfeifer (University of Cologne, research training group “connecting-excluding: Cultural Dynamics Beyond Globalized Networks“)
  5. The difficult legacies of the Syrian past: Researching heritage in a collaborative way (Housamedden Darwish, Stephan Milich, University of Cologne)
  6. Comprehensible knowledge-transfer: an illustrated multilingual booklet (Julia Brekl, University of Cologne, ERC “REWILDING the Anthropocene” project)

  • 12:00-13:00 Lunch
  • 13:30-15:00 Closing Conversation - Michaela Pelican