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Curating and Weaving Memories: Critical Multimodal Collaborations

30 November 2023 I 11:00 - 12:00 (CET)


Presenters: Arjang Omrani, Tahereh Aboofazeli and Simone Pfeifer.



“Weaving Memories” is a collaborative and multimodal project that aims to explore the systematic marginalisation and exploitation of Persian handmade carpet weavers. The project seeks to re-evaluate the skill of weaving and explore how practice-based research can generate visibility and acknowledgment for the marginalised carpet weavers. The project stresses the necessity of a radical transformation in the weaver’s condition from what is interpreted as an instrument of weaving to an author.

The project adopts a co-curatorial approach to research that transforms carpets from commodities to mediums of expression through storytelling. By situating the carpets and carpet-making as a medium of expression, the project aims to provide a platform for weavers to tell their stories and showcase their craft as works of art. The project's output will be an exhibition of the carpets alongside collaboratively produced audiovisual formats.

During our conversation, we will present the ongoing work of the co-curatorial project and discuss some of the key questions and challenges we currently face. This includes exploring appropriate ways to make the carpets as a medium of expression accessible to diverse audiences within the museum context. Additionally, we will critically examine the museum as an institution of power/knowledge production as part of our co-curatorial practices and research.


"Informal Conversations" is an event series organized by the Global South Studies Center's "Co-Producing Knowledge" Thematic Area.