Cultures and Societies in Transition
The thematic field “Social-Economic, Cultural and Political Transformation of the Global South” was part of the University of Cologne’s overall institutional strategy. It consisted of the “Global South Studies Center” (GSSC), founded in 2014, that formed its key profile area and which was in turn embedded in the wider Competence Area IV “Cultures and Societies in Transition” (CA IV).
Website of the Competence Area IV
The Competence Area IV supported research on a broad spectrum of topics and themes related to societal transformation, especially interdisciplinary approaches to current key challenges such as sustainability, digitization, urbanization and cultural diversity. Support was organised around two funding lines for workshops and cooperation and complemented by an annual academic event (CA IV Forum).
Themes of joint activities were
- key challenges of transformation and transition (sustainability, digitization, urbanization, cultural diversity)
- methodological concerns of comparative interdisciplinary work
- mobility and migration
- adaptation, resilience and collapse
- transformation of societies, cultures and livelihoods
- identity, demographic change and citizenship
- ecological and social dynamics, global environmental change
- teacher education and citizen science
Contact Details
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Roman Bartosch (Sprecher)
Dr. Meike Meerpohl (Koordinatorin)
Telefon: +49 (0) 221-470 76649