Competence Center Fair Trade
The Competence Centre Fair Trade (CCFT) was established in July 2020 at the University of Cologne and affiliated with the Global South Studies Center in order to promote the academic study of Fair Trade in German-speaking countries. In addition to supporting research and teaching, it offers a forum and an institutional framework for professional exchange and networking. The CCFT attaches great importance to interdisciplinarity and also sees itself as a point of contact for non-academic institutions and organisations. In addition, the Competence Centre promotes cooperation with researchers from the Global South.
As an interface between science and politics/society, the CCFT supports the scientists involved in making their findings accessible for social discourse and policy decisions. The main task of the CCFT is to produce policy briefs and short position papers based on transfer-oriented, scientific analyses in order to provide targeted, well-founded impulses for politics and society.
The thematic focus is on the social dimensions of sustainability, issues of social justice and fairness in trade and in agricultural and food systems. The specific content of CCFT's research includes the effects of climate change and options for adapting to climate change at the level of smallholder farming, the implementation of HREDD measures in supply chains (deforestation-free supply chains, due diligence law). Complementary topics to Fair Trade are also introduced, such as decolonial perspectives and indigenous knowledge. The specific topics are selected by a steering group set up at the CCFT in dialogue with Fairtrade Germany. The competence centre is co-financed by Fairtrade Germany.
If you are interested in exchanging ideas or would like to be informed about the activities of the CCFT, please contact Dr Katharina Gröne: katharina.groene[at]uni-koeln.de

