Prof. Dr. Anja Bettenworth
Research Interests
- Ancient epic
- Roman elegy
- Hellenistic poetry
- Reception of Antiquity in modern film and literature, especially in the modern Maghreb
Short Biography
1992 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (classics, history, German)
Feb-Aug. 1995 University of Ca’ Foscari, Venice (classics, history)
Nov. 1998 Statal Exam WWU Münster (Latin and History)
June 2002 PhD in Classics WWU Münster (oral exams in Latin, Greek and Middle
High German literature)
July 2009 Habilitation in Classics (WWU Münster)
Dec. 2002 –20011 Assistant Professor of Latin, Universität Münster
2010–2011 Deputy Professor of Classics, University of Cologne
2011–present Professor of Classcis (Latin Philology) at the University of Cologne
2013–present Speaker of the Cologne Center for the ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean (ZaKMiRa)
Academic Memberships
- American Philological Association
- Görresgesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaften
- Mommsen-Gesellschaft
- Eos: A scholarly society dedicated to Africana Receptions of Ancient Greece and Rome
Current Research Projects
Kooperationsprojekt des Instituts für Altertumskunde mit dem Schokoladenmuseum Köln
Auffindung neuer lateinischer Quellentexte über Kakao und Schokolade durch die Projektmitarbeiter:innen des Instituts für Altertumskunde der Universität zu Köln, die Übersetzung dieser Texte in Deutsche und ihre Erschließung für die Besucher:innen des Schokoladenmuseums Köln, dessen kulturgeschichtliche Ausstellung derzeit umgestaltet und aktualisiert wird. Ein annotiertes Themenheft zum Thema „Geschichte des Kakaos“ für den schulischen Lateinunterricht ist geplant.
Institut für Altertumskunde: Prof. Dr. Anja Bettenworth, Prof. Dr. Peter Schenk, Sven Johannes
Schokoladenmuseum Köln: Andrea Durry, Olaf Vortmann, Eileen Schwarz
Mehr Information
Past Research Projects
Depictions of Augustine in North Africa as Forms of Late Antiquity and Postcolonial Knowledge Production
This interdisciplinary project will deal with the late ancient Augustinian Vita of Possidius from the year 431 and the current literary production on Augustine in the Maghreb from a double perspective, the classical philological and the neuphilological-cultural-scientific perspective, which has so far not been adequately acknowledged. The starting point for this is the question of the location of the respective representation in the cultural discourse of the epoch, i.e. both in late antiquity and in the present. The project aims, in the context of a philological treatment of the corpus, to analyse the discursive strategies associated with the references to Augustine and his works and to fathom their historical and cultural function for the writer's present. The project sees itself as a starting point for a comprehensive systematic exploration of the North African reception of antiquity. It comprises three monographic studies (see subprojects). Preliminary work by the two applicants on Roman literature and current antique reception in literature and film (Bettenworth 2009) as well as on French Maghreb literature, postcolonial concepts of autobiography, historiography and gender (Gronemann 2000-2013) is available.
Support: DFG
Duration: 2016 - 2019
Recent publications