Khalid Mouna is an anthropologist, professor at Moulay Ismail University of Meknes. He was professor at the Master “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration (MIM)” at the University of Ca'Foscari in Venice, and has been a Visiting Professor for the IISMM Chair at EHESS Paris, and at the University Paul Valery Montpellier III, and Porto University, Researcher in residence at the Institute of Advanced Studies of Nantes 2020-2021. He is a member of the scientific committee of the review Espace-Temps and the review FuoriLuog. His research publications focus on cannabis, social changes, migrations, and post-Arab Spring-social mobilization. He is the author of : Le bled du kif. Economie et pouvoir chez les Ketama du Rif, Paris, Ibis Press, 2010, Identité de la marge. Approche anthropologique du Rif, Brussels, Peter Lang, 2018, L’éloge de l’inversion. Sexualités et rites de transgression au Maghreb, Casablanca, La croisée des Chemins. He co-edited the book: Terrain Marocain. Sur les traces des chercheurs d'ici et d'ailleurs, Casablanca, La Croisée des Chemins, CJB / CNRS 2017. He has lead several international research programs, and is a member of many European research programs.