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Australian Studies and the Global South

At the start of Helen Gilbert’s DAAD-sponsored guest professorship at the University of Cologne the GSSC and the Centre for Australian Studies are hosting a one-day workshop entitled “Australian Studies and the Global South” on Tuesday, 09 October 2018. After a short reception and welcoming words by CAS and GSSC, we are happy to welcome the following speakers and topics:

  • Helen Gilbert (Royal Holloway University, London), Indigenous Resurgence and Environmental Justice on the Global Stage
  • Bill Ashcroft (University of NSW, Sydney), Art, Utopia, Transnation
  • Jamal Barnes (Edith Cowan University, Perth), The Hollowing Out of the Hospitality Principle: Australia‘s Response to Boat People“

We kindly invite all colleagues and interested students to participate in the event.

October 9, 2018
11.30-15.00 pm

Workshop Venue:
University of Cologne, New Seminar Building, Tagungsraum