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Cuba and Africa: Transatlantic Revolutionary Networks

Lecture and panel discussion with Giulia Bonacci und Kali Argyriadis

14. May 2024, 12.00-13.30

The seminar is divided into three parts: First, Kali Argyriadis will trace the most important moments in Cuban-African history (in Spanish). Giulia Bonacci will then give an English-language introduction to the anthology Cuba and Africa. In the remaining 30 minutes, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the material.

The event is part of the class "Comicproduktionen aus den portugiesischen Ländern Afrikas". It approximately lasts 90 minutes and is open to interested guests. You can request the login details for the digital conference room via e-mail.

With kind support of the thematic area "South-South relations: engaging with new constellations and dynamics in the Global Souths".
