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Inequality among Inequalities: the Yanaconas of Charcas (present-day Bolivia) in the 17th Century

Raquel Gil Montero, CONICET / Universidad del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

The yanaconas were indigenous people separated from their original communities. Some of them worked for a Spanish “master” or for the church, others lived in indigenous lands or in cities and payed tribute to the crown. The yanaconas were present in most of the Peruvian Viceroyalty, mainly in the cities, in mining camps and in the haciendas located to the east and north of Charcas.

Yanaconas was a pre-Hispanic category used by the Spaniards with a significant change in its connotations. During colonial time, there were significant differences inside the category, ranging from relatively free urban craftsmen to servants subject to the land. There were also important differences regarding the geography: yanaconas living in the haciendas located in the South East appeared to have been more attached to the land than those living in the North. In this presentation Raquel Gil Montero will show the distribution of the yanaconas along the territory, together with information about the context. Based on this distribution, she will discuss some hypotheses related to the different degree of freedom (and lack of freedom) to be found among the yanaconas.


October 24, 2018


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