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GSSC Seminar Series
12 December 2023


The Adoption of Community-Based Conservation in Tanzania: Assessing the Prospects

Emmanuel Lwankomezi (St. Augustine University of Tanzania)



The research investigates the adoption of community-based conservation to wildlife conservation in Africa by assessing the prospects of community participation in the Makao Wildlife Management Area in Tanzania. An exclusionary approach, with fines and fences to local communities, characterized wildlife conservation globally. However, from the 1980s, there was a paradigm shift to community-based conservation. Local communities, being the center of conservation, have remained victims of crop-raiding incidences, wildlife-livestock attacks, human injuries, limited resource access, and the spread of foot-mouth diseases. This research underscores that understanding local community experiences of living adjacent to PAs is imperative in enhancing conservation. Therefore, using questionnaire surveys and interviews, this research aims to explore factors influencing community participation in wildlife conservation and analyze the influence of different household attributes on wildlife conservation. Understanding factors and household attributes will help formulate mechanisms for human-wildlife interactions and promote sustainable conservation in protected areas.

Emmanuel Lwankomezi is a Lecturer at St. Augustine University of Tanzania. He has 12 years of teaching and research in Tanzania. He was a visiting scholar at the Emmanuel Christian College in Goli, Yei River County, South Sudan. He has researched and published widely on resource conservation, human-wildlife interactions, and resource governance. He is now a research fellow at the University of Cologne researching the Adoption of Community-Based Conservation as A Sustainable Approach to Wildlife Conservation In Africa, focusing on the Prospects of Community Participation in Wildlife Conservation in Tanzania.