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Ethno-graphic Stories of Rivers, Climate and Change: A Discussion with Comic Artists from Around the World

January 27, 2022, 6-8pm

Cöln Comic Haus, Bonner Str. 9, 50677 Köln


Artists from Senegal, Myanmar, Canada and Brazil are currently creating a comic with stories from river deltas in their countries, cooperating with a group of anthropologists from the University of Cologne. Get to know the artists and the comic project, and join a discussion with them and Rhineland-based illustrators on January 27, 2022 at 6pm at the Cöln Comic Haus.

This conversation will be moderated by Cologne-based designer, animator, illustrator, cartoonist and photographer Claus Daniel Herrmann.

Participants include journalist and comic artist Beatriz Belo from Brazil, who is participating in making the delta comic; Karis Gruben, an Inuvialuk artist from Canada and working on the delta comic; Düsseldorf-based illustrator, comic artist and graphic designer Jennifer Daniel, co-founder of the Studio Rabotti collective; and Senegalese internet artist Pamplumus, who is working on the delta comic and is co-founder of the Umazing creative studio.


All interested are cordially invited to join this conversation. Please register by January 26 at

We only have limited places available, and registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

All present must adhere to current Covid19 regulations (2G+):
They must document that they are fully vaccinated against or recovered from Covid19
AND that they have tested negatively on the day or have been "boostered".

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