Manuela Vida-Mannl
Department of English
Title of PhD Project:
The value of English in Cyprus' higher education
Thesis Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Christiane M. Bongartz
Current Project:
“English for touristic purposes in Cuba & Croatia: An investigation of linguistic characteristics, language use, and the value of English”
Short Bio
In 2019, I completed my Ph.D. project 'The value of English in Cyprus' higher education' at the English Department of the University of Cologne. Within this project I analyzed the economic reasons, underlying the increasing educational mobility of international students, who are often inhabitants of the Global South. Currently, I am working on the use of English in tourism contexts in Croatia and Cuba at TU Dortmund University analyzing mobility trajectories in the Global North and Global South.
Via the GSSC I received opportunities for academic exchange and learned about alternative perspectives on my research. In the always open and including atmosphere at GSSC organized conferences and talks, I was able to network and encouraged to challenge my understanding of language and its use.