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GSSC Seminar Series
18 June 2024


The Expansion of BRICS: Implications for South Asia 


Habibul Haque Khondker (Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE)



This presentation deals with the proposed expansion of BRICS where South Asian countries other than India, namely Pakistan and Bangladesh have shown interest in joining the group. In Southeast Asia, Indonesia is also an aspirant. How is the proposed expansion going to work out is a question on the minds of the observers, especially considering the competition between China and India both founding members of BRICS. The presentation aims to delve into the future trajectory of BRICS as a counterbalance to the G7 and its potential role in reshaping the global order. Employing an interdisciplinary approach, the presentation seeks to provide a sociological-historical understanding of the evolving dynamics within the global political system.

Habibul Haque Khondker, BA, MA (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh), MA (Carleton, Canada), PhD (Pittsburgh, USA) is Professor of Sociology at Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE. He served as co-chair of Research Committee on Social Transformations and Sociology of Development of the International Sociological Association. Previously, Khondker taught at the National University of Singapore. He has published articles on globalization, migration, state, civil society, democracy, military in politics, famine in International Sociology, The British Journal of Sociology, Comparative Sociology, Current Sociology, Journal of Consumer Culture, International Migration, Globalizations, Armed Forces and Society, Asian Journal of Social Sciences, and Oxford Handbook of Global Studies, among others. Khondker co-authored Globalization: East/West. (Sage, 2010; Turkish translation, 2019) with Bryan Turner. He co-edited Asia and Europe in Globalization: Continents, Regions, and Nations (Brill 2006) with Goran Therborn and 21st Century Globalizations: Perspectives From the Gulf. (Dubai and Abu Dhabi: Zayed University Press, 2010) with Jan Nederveen Pieterse. He co-edited with Jan Nederveen Pieterse and Haeran Lim, COVID-19 and Governance (Routledge, 2021). He also co-edited with Olav Muurlink and Asif Bin Ali The Emergence of Bangladesh (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022).