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African Environmental Law Conference (AELC)

Environmental Justice Systems in Africa: Exploring Cultural and Economic Factors

28. Mai 2021

The Environmental Law Center (ELC), at the Faculty of Law, University of Cologne invites you to the 1st African Environmental Law Conference with the theme “Environmental Justice Systems in Africa: Exploring Cultural and Economic Factors”. Selected academics will be presenting papers on areas that demonstrate the strength or weakness of the environmental justice system in their respective indigenous countries or systems of interest. It is expected that the general conference theme will afford African scholars the opportunity to brainstorm and share comparative perspective on the process of seeking and enforcing environmental justice in Africa. The conference also aims to connect African environmental law teachers and researchers from universities within and outside Africa.

Online Event

Please send an email to Dr. Dennis Agelebe at the address: with the subject line
"Registration for AELC 2021."
The participation link will be emailed one week before the conference.